Your questions about the MUSTAX M+
Our MUSTAX M+ effectively supports the formation of muscles, increases rideability and promotes the ability to regenerate, but does so without any habituation effect and will not negatively affect your horse's temperament in any way!
Whereas laminitis used to be triggered more frequently by protein, today it is more likely to be caused by fructans in pasture grass. The photosynthesis of plants and therefore the production of energy is dependent on sun, heat and water: if more energy and therefore more sugar is produced, the plant begins to convert the sugar into fructan in order to temporarily store the excess energy. Due to their structure, fructans are rapidly fermentable carbohydrates that are subject to rapid microbial degradation in the horse's large intestine. The products resulting from fermentation can enter the bloodstream through the damaged intestinal mucosa and have a toxic effect on the sensitive dermis of the hooves. Any form of feeding that leads to "overloading" of the cecum and large intestine can result in laminitis. To spare your horse this unnecessary strain, we use high-quality fats in combination with the amino acids lysine and methionine in our MUSTAX M+ - which is why it is also suitable for use in horses with laminitis.
We recommend feeding MUSTAX Muscle+ twice a day, as this is the fastest way to achieve
effects. If you feed the entire amount
once a day, this is no problem at all. It may only be
that you notice the first results a few days later. If you feed
once a day, we recommend that you start with a smaller amount at
and then gradually increase the powder so that your horse
can get used to the powder easily and quickly.
Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this question, as it depends very much on the individual case (age, weight, constitution, workload) and the desired result: If your horse is already well trained and only needs to be actively supported in building muscle with MUSTAX M+, you should notice an increase in rideability and a shortening of the release phase after just 7 to 10 days. After 4 to 6 weeks, changes in the muscles will be visible to the naked eye. However, if your horse is convalescing after colic surgery, for example, as a result of which it has lost a lot of weight and needs to be gently fed again, it can of course take a few months for your horse to regain its old form.
Our MUSTAX M+ is also suitable for foals and young growing horses, as it actively promotes the formation of a good bone structure, among other things. However, the dosage should be lower depending on the age and size of the horse.
On average, a small bucket of M+ (5 kg) lasts approx. 3 to 4 weeks for normal requirements, a large bucket of M+ (10 kg) between 6 and 8 weeks.
Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this question, as it depends very much on the individual case (age, weight, constitution, workload) and the desired result: If the horse is only to be supported by MUSTAX M+ in building muscle, is only working lightly and has no particular deficits, a dose of 1/3 measuring cup twice a day is absolutely sufficient. However, if your horse is convalescing after colic surgery, for example, and has lost a lot of weight as a result and needs to be gently fed again, a dosage of up to 1 measuring cup twice a day is recommended.
To achieve a significant difference or a lasting effect, MUSTAX M+ should be fed for around 3 months. After that, you can of course decide for yourself whether you want to continue to support your horse optimally or return to the previous feeding. However, our MUSTAX+ is designed for problem-free long-term administration and can be given indefinitely without a habituation effect occurring.
Most horses eat our MUSTAX M+ with their concentrated feed without any problems. A few horses are a little skeptical at first because they are not familiar with powder or cannot yet identify the new taste. However, almost all of them can be easily convinced with simple tricks. 🚀
If your horse is such a gourmet, you can start with a lower dosage and moisten the concentrated feed including M+ with a little malt beer/apple juice (depending on preference), or add a dollop of cheap apple sauce from the discount store. In very stubborn cases, the M+ can also simply be stirred into the mash at first. Gradually increase the amount to the final desired dosage.
There is no general answer to this question, as it depends very much on the individual case (age, weight, constitution, workload) and the desired result: If the horse is only to be supported in building muscle, is only working lightly and has no particular deficits, a dose of 1/3 measuring cup of MUSTAX M+ twice a day is absolutely sufficient. However, if the horse is convalescing after colic surgery, for example, and has lost a lot of weight as a result and needs to be gently fed again, a dosage of up to 1 measuring cup of M+ twice a day is completely safe.
If you want to discontinue our MUSTAX M+, your horse will of course not lose the muscle mass it has built up, as long as the amount of feed is adjusted and its training workload remains the same. However, if your horse gains too much mass while on M+, you can simply reduce the amount of concentrated feed and continue to feed MUSTAX M+ . As a rule of thumb, 200 g of M+ can replace around 1.5 kg of concentrated feed.
You can reduce the dosage during the break phase, but you don't have to. We recommend continuing to give 200g as normal, as it also supplies ligaments, tendons and joints with important nutrients and supports growth. There is no need to worry about a negative effect on temperament - MUSTAX Muscle+ does not make your horse's head "goofy", even during light work.
No, unlike products that boost muscle metabolism via protein, it does not burden the liver. With these products, the excess protein must be detoxified via the liver.
Our MUSTAX M+ is the perfect supplementary feed to combat hyperacidity. Of course, it effectively supports muscle building, but the high-quality fats (instead of increased protein intake) also effectively prevent acidosis
We recommend the dosage for foals (due to the high fat content). As a robust breed, the Shetty utilizes fats differently than a large horse, even under higher loads. Therefore, the lower dosage should easily be sufficient.
From the age of approx. 1.5 years, a low dose of MUSTAX M+ can be started. In preparation for licensing (lunging/free jumping), the recommended amount for a large horse can then be slowly increased.
As a rule of thumb, 200 grams of muscle+ can replace approx. 2 kg of concentrated feed in terms of nutritional value. As the training load increases, you can then adjust the concentrate accordingly.
Whether you are a professional rider, vet or physio, thanks to our unique formulas we are recommended and fed by all those who really know their stuff. And why?
Because it works - MUSTAX!
Our secret
Everyone says 100% active ingredient, right?
For us, that's not just an advertising slogan. Thanks to our unique powder formulations, pure active ingredients reach your horse quickly and gently!

A holistic concept
Your horse is like no other, we know that! And that's why we offer a holistic feeding system, tailored precisely to your horse's needs.
Any questions? Write to us for a free feed consultation
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